Info Room Features

Data bedrooms are of increasing importance in many businesses. They are utilized to store very sensitive information and protect it from out in the open cyber criminals. They can be used for all types of jobs, from due diligence to professional communication.

Not like physical archives, which require users to physically travel to the site and retrieve data from storage, virtual data areas are accessible through their internet connection. This enables for faster use of files and a better level of visibility.

Upload, change and down load large amounts of documents very easily. Instantly synchronizing data from your personal pc, shared files, FTP and corporate file storage area with your info room. Organize your files simply by labeling all of them and applying search filters. Optical character recognition (OCR) automatically reads and indices all record text and saves you time and energy.

Manage get permissions depending on user’s function in the task. Quickly ask users you by one or bulk invite numerous users into the data bedroom. Set up two-step user identity confirmation to secure documents and ensure that only authorised persons have access.

Automatic redaction makes it simple to redact commercially very sensitive and specific information. Built-in automation saves you countless hours of searching and getting, and the characteristic changes or if you deal progresses to meet constantly changing redaction requirements.

Q&A and Chat features facilitate cooperation among different groups. These features are especially beneficial during a research process. They will allow for a safe and easy way to talk about sensitive details, answer questions and make speedy references to files.