Ecuadorian Wedding Customs

Ecuador has a long history of migrations and disputes that has designed its tradition and lifestyle. Some of these traditions and traditions are still practiced today, allowing couples to experience a truly unique wedding day which will be remembered for years to come.

Traditional Formal procedure

A traditional Ecuadorian wedding ceremony usually begins when using the bride and groom going for walks down the aisle together. After this kind of, they exchange vows and receive a blessing from friends and family. This is an important few moments in the wedding as it symbolizes the commitment and promise that they make to each other before themselves.

The ceremony can last from around 4 — 5 hours and is usually held at a church. It provides a blessing on the couple with water and gifts from their parents.

After the ceremony, guests are asked to share dinner together. This can consist of various foodstuff, which include beef, taters, and rice.

Food is actually a big portion of your Ecuadorian wedding ceremony, it will be offered in many various ways. In fact , some Ecuadorian weddings have a three-course meal which includes soup and a dessert.

Music is also an important part of the wedding, and a traditional people singer may perform a significant purpose. This is a terrific way to add to the atmosphere and celebrate the special occasion.

The wedding marriage ceremony can also entail a candlestick lighting habit. This is a extremely meaningful part of the event and it is typically performed in several countries in South America. The bride and groom should each mild one candle light. This kind of symbolises in the end of their past life and the beginning of their new your life together.